- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
- …
- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
Lesley Kehoe Galleries Online
- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
- …
- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
- 0
- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
- …
- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
Lesley Kehoe Galleries Online
- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
- …
- Artists
- Maio Motoko
- Kobayashi Shumei
- Mitsumoto Takeshi
- Nakano Kaoru
- Oyama Yasuyuki
- Kise Hiroshi
- Kaneko Toru
- Artforms
- 0
Roots, Seeds & Themes
小林 秀明..
Before the spread of concepts such as 'religion', 'Shinto', Buddhism',
there were followers of a mountain-centred animism in Japan
宗教、神道、仏教 と言う言葉が浸透する前から
In a world changing at a frighteningly fast pace,
primitive religions such as these have all but disappeared
I was born into a long line of ascetic monks.
My earliest recollections are of myself in the midst of six old practitioners of the Shugendō sect.
To achieve an understanding of the universe, ritualistic training was unrelenting from day until night, sometimes gentle, sometimes severe.
I recall it as the caring nurturing of a lost young lamb.-
私は先祖代々が行者と言われる家に生まれ物心付いた時には修験道の爺婆6人の 中に在りました。昼夜問わずの修行、天地と同化する為の練習をある時は優しくある時は厳しく、まるで迷える子羊を育てる様に手を尽くしてくれたことを想い出す。
What do all those questing seek in this life?
Those multitudinous seekers of the path,
what were their goals?
Being made aware of the question,
‘why I am here in the universe’,
is the state of ‘eyes half closed’.
.宗教、神道、仏教 と言う言葉が浸透する前から
My current way of life lies in attempting to maintain the state of ‘eyes half closed’ as I use the art of tsutsugaki to express my particular creativity, emotions and impressions.
出来るなら ばこの半眼の姿勢をたもちつつ、感動や印象・想像を、自分の感性の赴くままに、身に付けたTSUTSUGAKIを用いて表現する、其れが現在の我が生き様である。
小林 秀明
Copyright ©️2023 Lesley Kehoe Galleries.